Mencius, 孟子

Mencius, 孟子 for PC

Game Info

* 사서삼경 (四書三經) 중 맹자(孟子)
* 원문(독음/해설/현토)

* 梁惠王上

--- 何必曰利
--- 與民偕樂
--- 王無罪歲
--- 以刃與政
--- 可使制
--- 不嗜殺人
--- 齊桓晉文

* 梁惠王下

--- 莊暴見孟子
--- 文王之囿
--- 寡人好勇
--- 樂以天下
--- 好貨好色
--- 王顧左右
--- 所謂故國
--- 聞誅一夫
--- 爲巨室
--- 避水火也
--- 諸侯救燕
--- 鄒與魯鬨
--- 間於齊楚
--- 齊人將築薛
--- 效死勿去
--- 嬖人臧倉

* 公孫丑上

--- 管仲晏子
--- 浩然之氣
--- 以力假仁
--- 仁則榮
--- 信能行此
--- 不忍人之心
--- 矢人函人
--- 善與人同
--- 伯夷柳下惠

* 公孫丑下

--- 得道多助
--- 學焉後臣
--- 是貨之也
--- 惟孔距心
--- 無官守無言責
--- 出弔於滕
--- 不以天下儉其親
--- 以燕伐燕
--- 燕人畔
--- 致爲臣而歸
--- 孟子去齊宿於晝
--- 孟子去齊尹士語人曰
--- 孟子去齊充虞路問
--- 孟子去齊居休

* 滕文公上

--- 滕文公爲世子
--- 滕定公薨
--- 滕文公問爲國
--- 神農之言者許行
--- 墨子夷之

* 滕文公下

--- 枉尺直尋
--- 公孫衍張儀
--- 孔子三月無君
--- 食志乎食功乎
--- 宋小國也
--- 戴不勝
--- 不見諸侯何意
--- 月攘一鷄
--- 夫子好辯
--- 陳仲子

* 離婁上

--- 徒善不足以爲政
--- 聖人人倫之至也
--- 惡醉强酒
--- 反求諸己
--- 天下之本在國
--- 不得罪於巨室
--- 小國師大國
--- 自侮人侮
--- 爲淵毆魚
--- 自暴自棄
--- 道在邇
--- 居下位
--- 西伯善養老者
--- 率土地而食人肉
--- 莫良於眸子
--- 慕儉
--- 嫂溺援之以手
--- 古者易子而敎
--- 曾子養曾晳
--- 一正君而國定矣
--- 不虞之譽
--- 易其言也
--- 人之患
--- 樂正子見孟子
--- 徒餔啜也
--- 不孝有三
--- 事親從兄
--- 瞽瞍底豫

* 離婁下

--- 舜生於諸馮
--- 惠耳不知爲政
--- 君之視臣如手足
--- 無罪而殺士
--- 君仁莫不仁
--- 非禮之禮
--- 中也養不中
--- 人有不爲
--- 言人之不善
--- 不爲已甚
--- 惟義所在
--- 不失其赤之心
--- 當大事
--- 居安資深
--- 博學詳說
--- 以善服人
--- 言無實不祥
--- 聲聞過情
--- 由仁義行
--- 周公思兼三王
--- 王者之迹熄
--- 君子之擇
--- 取傷廉
--- 逢蒙學射於羿
--- 西子蒙不潔
--- 所惡於智者
--- 孟子不與右師言
--- 無一朝之患
--- 禹稷顔回同道
--- 匡章
--- 曾子居武城
--- 王使人瞯夫子
--- 齊人有一妻一妾

* 萬章上

--- 大孝終身慕父母
--- 娶妾如之何
--- 封之有痺
--- 舜之不臣堯
--- 堯以天下與舜
--- 至於禹而德衰
--- 伊尹以割烹要湯
--- 孔子主癰疽
--- 百里奚自鬻於秦

* 萬章下

--- 孔子聖之時者也
--- 周室班爵祿
--- 敢問友
--- 敢問交際何心也
--- 仕非爲貧也
--- 士之不託諸侯
--- 往見不義也
--- 是尙友也
--- 齊宣王問卿

* 告子上

--- 性猶杞柳也
--- 性猶湍水也
--- 生之謂性
--- 食色性也
--- 先酌鄕人
--- 乃若其情
--- 富歲子弟多賴
--- 牛山之木
--- 無或乎王之不智
--- 魚與熊掌
--- 求放心
--- 指不若人
--- 拱把之桐梓
--- 養小失大
--- 從其大體爲大人
--- 天爵人爵
--- 趙孟之所貴
--- 仁勝不仁
--- 仁亦在熟
--- 必志於轂

* 告子下

--- 任人問屋廬子
--- 曹交問
--- 小弁凱風
--- 宋牼將之楚
--- 孟子居鄒
--- 先名實者
--- 逢君之惡
--- 魯欲使愼子爲將軍
--- 今之所謂良臣
--- 大貉小貉
--- 丹之治水
--- 君子不亮
--- 魯欲使樂正子爲政
--- 所就三所去三
--- 天將降大任於是人
--- 敎亦多術

* 盡心上

--- 盡心知性
--- 莫非命也
--- 求則得之
--- 萬物皆備於我
--- 行之而不著焉
--- 人不可以無恥
--- 恥之於大人矣
--- 好善而忘勢
--- 孟子謂宋句踐
--- 凡民豪傑
--- 附之以韓魏之家
--- 以佚道使民
--- 覇者之民
--- 善敎得民心
--- 良知良能
--- 舜居深山之中
--- 無爲其所不爲
--- 孤臣孽子
--- 有事君人者
--- 君子有三樂
--- 君子所性
--- 無凍餒之老者
--- 菽粟如水火
--- 孔子登東山
--- 舜與蹠之分
--- 楊墨子莫
--- 飢者甘食
--- 不以三公易其介
--- 辟若掘井
--- 久假而不歸
--- 有伊尹之志則可
--- 君子居是國也
--- 王子塾問
--- 以其小者信其大者
--- 瞽瞍殺人
--- 去移氣
--- 恭敬而無實
--- 惟聖人然後可以賤形
--- 齊宣王欲短喪
--- 君子之所以敎
--- 道則高矣美矣
--- 以道殉身
--- 滕更在門
--- 於不可已而已
--- 君子之於物
--- 當務之爲急

* 盡心下

--- 不仁哉梁惠王
--- 春秋無義戰
--- 盡信書則不如無書
--- 焉用戰
--- 梓匠輪與
--- 舜之飯糗茹草
--- 殺人父兄
--- 古之爲關也
--- 身不行道
--- 周於利者
--- 好名之人
--- 不信仁賢
--- 不仁而得國
--- 民爲貴
--- 聖人百世之師也
--- 合而言之道也
--- 孔子之去魯
--- 君子之戹於陳蔡
--- 稽大不理於口
--- 賢者以其昭昭
--- 山徑之蹊間
--- 禹之聲
--- 是爲馮婦
--- 有命有性
--- 樂正子何人也
--- 逃墨必歸於楊
--- 有布縷之征
--- 諸侯之寶三
--- 死矣盆成括
--- 館於上宮
--- 人皆有所不忍
--- 人病舍其田
--- 堯舜性者也
--- 說大人則藐之
--- 養心莫善於寡欲
--- 曾晳耆羊棗
--- 吾黨之士狂簡
--- 由堯舜至於湯

* 최초 사용시 사용시점 + 7일간 사용할 수 있으며,
구매가 확인되면, 2030-12-31까지 사용할 수 있습니다.
* 자료가 서버에 있기에 인터넷연결이 필요합니다.

How to Download and Play Mencius, 孟子 on PC

  • 1
    Download and install LDPlayer X on your PC.
  • 2
    Enter and search for Mencius, 孟子 in the search bar at the top left corner.
  • 3
    Click on "Install" to download Mencius, 孟子 automatically.
  • 4
    Once the installation is completed, click on "Open".
  • 5
    The game will be launched in LDPlayer automatically. Enjoy!
  • 6
    You can also click on the game icon of Mencius, 孟子 in LDPlayer homepage to start playing.

Advantages of Playing Mencius, 孟子 on PC with LDPlayer X

Wider Screen

The larger PC screen allows you to capture clearer visual details in Mencius, 孟子.

Customized Control

Play games with mouse, keyboard & controller with your own customized setting, guaranteeing a gaming experience for Mencius, 孟子 comparable to actual PC gaming.

Multi-instance & Synchronizer

Log in to multiple game accounts or play multiple games at the same time. A great time saver for rerolling.

Higher FPS

With more realistic and smooth visual effect, and more coherent action, visual experience and the sense of immersion for Mencius, 孟子 is greatly optimized.

Game Assistant

Use scripts to simplify complex task processes and complete tasks automatically. Enjoy your game with ease.

Video Record

Record highlights or operation processes in Mencius, 孟子 to share with your friends.

Computer Configuration for Mencius, 孟子 PC Version

Recommended Configuration
Minimum requirement


Win10 64-bit or higher, including OpenGL 4.x


Win7 / Win8 / Win8.1 / Win10


8th Gen Intel Core i3-8100 4-core or higher, with VT enabled


Intel or AMD CPU Processor x86 / x86_64, with VT enabled


NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti 2GB or higher


Windows DirectX 11 / OpenGL 4.0 Graphics Driver


8GB or more


At least 2GB RAM


10GB or more available space for installation disk, 2GB or more available space for system disk


At least 1GB available memory

Mencius, 孟子 - FAQ

Q: Is LDPlayer X safe for players?

LDPlayer X respects player privacy and prioritizes the protection of user personal information. Feel free to use it and indulge in the joy of gaming without worry. Using LDPlayer to play Mencius, 孟子 for pc, you don't have to worry about any privacy violations.

Q: Can I play Mencius, 孟子 on PC?

Mencius, 孟子 is a/an Education game developed by AI소프트. With LDPlayer X, the best gaming platform on PC, you can play Mencius, 孟子 on PC with a gaming experience comparable to actual PC gaming.

Q: Why is LDPlayer X the best platform to play Mencius, 孟子 on PC?

LDPlayer X, as a one-stop mobile gaming platform owned by LDPlayer, meets all your needs for playing mobile games on your PC:
The powerful built-in Android emulator lets you immerse yourself in every small detail of the game.
Additionally, it allows you to simply play numerous popular games in your browser, such as Brawl Stars and Roblox.
You can also enjoy the best top-up discount for popular games on LDShop.

LDPlayerX - Your one-stop mobile gaming platform on PC

Download now for more fun and benefits


As a one-stop mobile gaming platform, LDPlayer X lets you enjoy mobile games on its powerful built-in Android emulator, LDPlayer, or in a browser through its cloud gaming technology. It also offers the best top-up discounts for many popular games. In a word, it's designed to meet all your needs for playing mobile games on your PC.

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